Dijon Lamb Sauce


Tonight I made my old stand by , pan fried chops and squash, and since I’m a saucy kind of gal I made a Dijon Sauce for the chops. The recipe called for 2/3 cup of olive oil but I only used a tablespoon or two and that was plenty,  it was dripping from my chin as it was and I wouldn’t want the flavor of the mustard diluted anymore. Also, I used about 5 dashes of vinegar instead of one.  It was pretty tasty and had a nice fresh tangy flavor , I was kind of worried the honey would make it too sweet but it was great ! Cheers

3 tablespoons of Dijon Mustard

Juice of one lemon

2 tablespoons of honey

2/3 cup olive oil

dash of red wine vinegar

Mix Mustard and lemon juice first then add remaining ingredients and mix

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